Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+: Civil Society Organisations

The interactive visualisation presents civil society organisations in EU+ countries which are directly involved in delivering services within asylum and reception systems.
The information was collected through an open survey. 

Hover over a country to view registered civil society organisations operating in the field of international protection and in which  areas they are involved. Use the filters to narrow down your search by: 
  • Thematic area; 
  • Services provided; 
  • Target group of applicants;
  • Refugee-led organisation; 
  • Organisation subcontracted by authorities or subcontracted by other actors. 
​The EUAA acknowledges that there are organisations that, while not providing direct services to clients, are active in other types of work related to asylum and reception, including research, advocacy, policy and legal recommendations, community engagement and monitoring.These organisations are currently not included in the mapping, but they will be included in the next step.To compile this information, a questionnaire will be disseminated in 2024.The visualisations will be regularly updated with additional entries. ​​

​​Civil society organisations working in asylum and reception

To include your organisation in the mapping project, please complete the following survey:
 EUSurvey - Survey (europa.eu)​
The survey will remain open also that civil society organisations can submit contributions at any time.